Tuesday, April 26

Gamification of Engagement -

Much has been written lately about Gamification
and the attempted Gamification of The News . . .

Mainstream Media Organizations have been watching the trends, which show young people spending less time engaged with News and Current Events while they are spending more time playing computer video games.

In the face of declining print circulation figures and TV ratings, MSM has been looking at ways to incorporate some of the techniques used in Gamification in order to intensify young people's engagement with The News.

But American MSM
is not the only game in town these days . . .

"One man in particular has been able to take advantage of the incentives of online gamification to pursue real-life terrorist recruits: Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born al Qaeda cleric hiding in Yemen."

Awlaki has used gamification to get Americans to put down their keyboards and pick up their weapons to become real-life terrorist recruits.

Read more in an informative article
by Jarret Brachman and Alix Levine.
