Friday, May 13

Mez: Blog Shock Jock Mum (4#) -

The history of the Internet over the past decade or so is littered with the debris of many hoaxes, scams, and sticky sagas of all kinds. Some of them may have been true; some were fantastic.

But, after one has lived through a number of these tales, one comes to the inevitable conclusion that they are all designed to suck in as many followers as possible and keep those eyeballs sticky. If you have nothing better to do with your time, it's not a problem whether the tales are true or not.

The Apocrypha swirling around the Amanda Knox Situation has been growing. Website after website, blogs, message boards, and FaceSpaces being devoted to it are now serving as a multi-amplified Echo Chamber. The latest development is the "silencing" of the Perugia Shock blog; but how much of this tale is true?

First, the remedy is too hugely disproportionate to the complaint to be credible. When a legal complaint about Defamation is made, the accepted remedy is usually for the defendant to remove the specific offending remarks, not the entire website. If it really were the usual accepted practice to remove the website instead of only the remarks, we would be seeing the websites of many Media organizations being taken down every week. Think about it.

No American lawyer in his right mind would just sit there like a sissypants and passively allow an entire website to be removed because of a few remarks. Unless there's something else going on here . . .

What about Prior Restraint? Ah, now we may be on to something! Dr Mignini may entertain the belief that Frank is attempting to interfere with Due Process or Pervert the Course of Justice. Without looking at the actual Court Orders and other legal papers, one can only guess.

I don't think we know enough about the whole story at this point to understand what is actually going on here. Thus, I feel cautious about making any snap judgements.

If you want to follow the Perugia Shock blog for your entertainment, I feel reasonably confident you'll be able to do so again, eventually. But I stopped reading it long ago and I don't expect that to change.

Meanwhile . . . who is Frank Sfarzo?

Does he have a criminal record or
any connections to Organized Crime?

Was his life really so empty before Amanda Knox
that it wouldn't have any meaning without her?

I am surprised that more people aren't
asking more questions about him by now.

:::: Linkage Follows:

:: Curtis Cartier :: -- [Seattlest] -- [Umbria24]
