Sunday, May 15

Flabbergasted in Florence (2#) -

The Jersey Shore crew
got an unwelcome from
the local press in Florence.

And Beppe Severgnini predicts:

"If the Jersey Shore guys do what has
made them famous, there will be trouble."

:: Nick Pisa reports from Italy at the NYPost.

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"If your cousin or daughter disappear, better to
ask the local gangster for help, not the police."

Yikes! The above advice is excerpted from a Perugia Shock blog entry written by Frank Sfarzo which has been reproduced by Candace Dempsey and is currently residing on Hearst's Seattle PI servers.

Florentine Judge Paola Belsito ordered the blog sequestered; in other words, removed from public
view or access.

Using an elliptical approach which is very European, Defamation is the flash point to illustrate to the judge that the purpose of this blog is to influence Due Process in a sinister way and to pervert the course of Justice. It implies that the blog has a criminal purpose and that the author is trying to undermine their system or maybe he's an anarchist.

Add to that, Sfarzo seems to be promoting Gangsters in preference to the legitimate Italian system. And the Mafia is a very touchy subject in Italy. With this remark, Sfarzo touched not just a nerve, but a third rail in Italy.

A lot of people are debating and speculating about what caused the boom to slam down on that blog. This piece will only further fuel the controversy.
