Wednesday, January 16

Trayvon Case: Backing Down (1 of 3) -

The Birth Mother of slain juvenile Trayvon Martin has called for the repeal of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law. Sybrina Fulton, accompanied by a group of state legislators, appeared at a press conference in Tallahassee earlier today.

The defense team for George Zimmerman has received Martin's school records, but won't release them to the public.

Despite that, it has come to light that the youth attended numerous schools, which is not even possible in other parts of the country under normal circumstances, where communities routinely send out detectives to verify the residence of parents in their district and may sue them for fraud or theft of services in order to recover expenses of student tuition.

To date, we do not know where Trayvon Martin was actually residing, who his legal guardian was, or what relationship - if any - Sybrina Fulton had with him. A different woman named Alicia Martin appeared on the Dr Phil TV Show as his stepmother and claimed to have raised him on an everyday basis for much of the teen's life.

The father appears to be an itinerant truck driver, who may or may not have been Trayvon's legal guardian. The peripatetic Tracy Martin dumped Trayvon on an alien private estate in a universe far from home without instructions, rendering his son a possible Youth in Need of Adult Supervision.

Sometimes it seems like the more
we read about this case, the less we know.

Continued . . .
