Wednesday, January 16

Trayvon Case: Backing Down (2 of 3) -

I have no interest in demonizing a juvenile minor; my point here is that there may have been overly lax supervision of a minor, which was evinced in the youngster's strange reaction to his encounter with a resident of the estate, George Zimmerman.

Instead of simply explaining to Zimmerman that his father left him there to babysit a younger child named Chad, Trayvon reacted by violently assaulting the resident Zimmerman.

On the face of it, Trayvon Martin's reaction doesn't make any sense, and we have struggled to figure out what Trayvon's state of mind could have been to motivate such a weird reaction. Over time I have come up with several tentative theories, but none of them satisfy me. Properly done, this is known as a psychological autopsy.

Wasn't Trayvon Martin just minding his own business at the time of the fatal encounter? Trayvon Martin was on someone else's private property. Speaking from practical experience, I would say: when you are on someone else's private property, your business very much becomes their business.

Do we have a right to wonder about someone's state of mind? Sure we do. If you ask someone whether they are lost, you don't expect them to punch you in the nose.

Attorney Jeralyn Merritt explains the legal aspect
of this issue in extensive detail in her blog post today.

Continued . . .
