Tuesday, September 1

Mez: Enter Gumshoe & Spin (2#) -

Meredith Kercher Murder Case -

It isn't enough that we already have a real life Locked Room Mystery, now we have a real life gumshoe brought into the situation. Meet Franco Ponzi, PI. He is supposed to be working on behalf of Rudy Guede. I hope he's done his homework.

Meanwhile, it appears that someone
has been busy spinning some disinformation:

"Molto scalpore sta facendo la vicenda dell’omicidio di Perugia. Ecco come la vede Joe Cottonwood, autore del romanzo culto Le famose patate. L’assassinio di Meredith Kercher è uno di quegli specchi che riflettono i pregiudizi degli inquirenti. Non esistono prove chiare né moventi credibili."

Redacted Google translation:

*Much fuss is being made about the story of the murder in Perugia... The murder of Meredith Kercher is one of those mirrors that reflect the prejudices of the investigators. There is no clear evidence or credible motives.*

I beg to differ: there is forensic evidence and the motive seems quite clear to me: racial or ethnic cleansing. Meredith Kercher was a dusky-skinned Eurasian and somewhat exotic looking. Racism is a simple enough motive - you don't have to be a rocket scientist to grasp the concept of it.
