Monday, December 14

Licensed To Kvell (3#) -

Clearly opinionated punditry -
what, I'm not licensed? O, the horror of it!

Leave it to those clever Brits to come up with a catchy name for the first decade of the new century: The Noughties.

It's been a decade marked by change and upheaval for me. What about you?

Time now to take the longer view: what will we call the next decade just over the annual horizon - The Tweenies? Something for you to ponder.

# Anyone watch Fringe last Thursday?

I thought it held glimmers of promise, but I didn't think much of the episode which immediately preceded it the week before last. This has been a very uneven series.

# Quentin Tarantino participates
in a wacky Japanese TV commercial.

Are you disillusioned with him because of it?