Thursday, December 3

Mez: In The Role
Of Assassin (10#) -

Meredith Kercher Murder Case -

"Ho paura di avere una maschera
da assassina forzata sulla mia pelle."

If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.

Another Trial of the Century . . . In trying to understand what happened here, we don't know much more now than we did when this all started. But it is also true that we have not had full access to all the material that the jury has at their disposal.

The nagging question of why Meredith Kercher was murdered may not be resolved to everyone's satisfaction, but to her credit, Co-Prosecutor Manuela Comodi gave an outstanding address about Motive and the Senseless Violence which has become a common motif during our era:
"Why did they do it? I often ask myself that.
We live in an age of violence with no motive.
We don't know what sparks these things."
Sometimes the only reason is simply because
the killers believe they can get away with it.

We want to believe that we live in a well-ordered universe where there is a reason for everything, but sometimes there isn't a rational reason or none which is accessible to us.

And so it all ends this weekend with a verdict? No. In due course, the jury will produce a kind of treatise in which they will explain their chains of reason and how they arrived at their decisions. Links follow.

:: Rachel Donadio :: - - :: Brian Miller local ::

:: Wise abc :: - - [Vogt] - - [Pisa] - - [Owen]

:: Messia :: - [Squires] - [Kington] - [Owen 2]

NB: There may be more links later.
