Saturday, December 8

Sanford Cache-Cache --

George Zimmerman Case --

The true identity of Witness #8, who has been nicknamed Dee Dee for this case, is being protected by the Court. I don't feel I need to know her true identity, but she has been such a nebulous presence so far that she doesn't seem real at all. 

Thus, I welcome the information about her which lawyer Jeralyn Merritt has been able to gather for us.

George Zimmerman has filed a lawsuit against mainstream media giant NBC Universal. His lawyers are Mark O'Mara and The Beasley Law Firm of Philadelphia.

:: [guardian] - - [poynter] - - [hwoodrptr]


Wednesday, December 5

Mammary Miami News -

In Miami's latest bid to recreate pre-Castro Havana sleaze here on the Florida peninsula, it seems like anything connected to prostitution is irresistibly attractive, whether it's boob enhancement surgical procedures or soft porno production.

Thus, with a gambling casino on its way to replace their newspaper building, all residents will be able to become the celebrities they want to be and a legend in their own minds.

According to recent reports, The Miami Herald newspaper will be going behind a subscription wall on December 18th.

Meanwhile, in a recent editorial they are promoting the establishment of a movie studio or entertainment production facility in their backyard. Some locals suspect that current management is planning to turn the newspaper into a Reality TV show or Telenovela.

And, according to reliable sources speaking strictly on background but not for attribution, Miami Herald reporter Frances Robles is following her imaginary cockatoo friend over to The New York Times. Now, perhaps, Miami-Dade will be spared a race riot from the George Zimmerman case.


Sunday, December 2

During Austerity or Disorder -

Does anyone still remember
Inspector Fabian of Scotland Yard?

I must admit that he had faded almost completely from my memory until I came across this book review.

Murder at Wrotham Hill by Diana Souhami is a True Crime account of a real life murder reconstructed from the post-WWII years in England which presents a lot of the color and atmosphere of the era and includes the aforementioned Fabian of Scotland Yard.

If this book revives sufficient public interest in Fabian, a TV mini-series about him might make an intriguing successor to the British production of their Foyle's War series.

:: It is reviewed here by Blake Morrison.

And Paula Woods reviews Michael Connelly's new detective novel, The Black Box, which involves the 1992 killing of a young Danish photojournalist during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.


The Dee Dee MacGuffin -

Trayvon Martin Shooting . . .

Has this witness been suborned?

Don West from the George Zimmerman Defense Team has done due diligence by initiating an investigation into the authentication of Witness #8 aka Dee Dee, who remains a murky presence in this case due to lack of establishing the Sacred Chain of Evidence, which raises numerous crazy prospective scenarios.

You may remember that Dee Dee was the MacGuffin which was used, in effect, to trigger this prosecution and still constitutes the State's star witness.

Some of the questions raised by various versions
of the audio recording include the following:

Is Dee Dee some form of CGI or a real human being? Is she really as represented: a 16-year-old tender teenager from Miami Gardens? Or could she be a 23-year-old hooker from Daytona?

Was she personally acquainted with Trayvon Martin? Or is Dee Dee a spoof in some way? How many versions of Dee Dee exist? How many Dee Dee Entities are out there?

Was the extended telephonic conversation verified at the phone companies or was it lowered from a basket in the sky after Martin's death?

Will Dee Dee appear in court as a shrouded hologram?

:: Orlando Sentinel ::
