Friday, January 18

Chasing Media Phantoms -

"Trust your mother, but cut the cards,"
as the late Sidney Zion used to say . . .

The story about the football player's girlfriend who turned out to be a hoax, which the Mainstream Media went along with, is a cruel story, but not more cruel than the MSM's shoddy reportage of the Trayvon Martin shooting.

"The tissue of lies in the Notre Dame star’s personal life would have been easy to unravel, but few tried. How the mainstream press fell for the story of an imaginary tragedy."

# How does a five-month-old baby go missing for 15 months and no one look for him? the High Priests at The Miami Herald cogitate. Yeah, that's a real thumb-sucker.

A five-month-old child named Dontrell has gone missing for 15 months. What went wrong here? Well, we can guess: the young mother should have been plugged into the long-established Baby Be Well Program sometimes known as the Well Baby programs.

It starts when the young mother is giving birth in the hospital (if not in the pre-natal phase). A Registered Nurse Practitioner comes around and solicits the young mother by offering her a range of irresistible services while getting the mother's contact information, home address, etc.

Then, when the young mother leaves the hospital, the RNP takes the initiative to travel out into the field and visits the young mother in situ. The RNP is able to answer all sorts of questions, has resources available for vaccinations, and can spot any basic problems which may arise.

# It Came Outa Boca Loca: The Weekly World News is going behind a paywall! Their website now has twice as many visitors per month as its former print edition, so they have decided to follow the leadership of The Miami Herald.


Wednesday, January 16

Trayvon Case: Backing Down (3 of 3) -

What about this "Duty to Retreat?"

"You either have the ability to defend yourself without the duty to retreat or you don't," explained Jacksonville attorney Mitch Stone.

How does that premise relate to this case? I believe the State could try to take it in potentially two differing directions.

First, they might argue that Zimmerman should have tried to disengage from the physical struggle with the teenager, but, in my opinion, this line of argument is a cul-de-sac, because Zimmerman's back was up against concrete which was being used by Trayvon Martin as a weapon, so that Zimmerman had no egress available to him.

A possible second direction the State may try to advance here could be the premise that Zimmerman was obliged (by the illusory Duty to Retreat) to stay in his vehicle and should not have questioned the teenager.

This is a fundamentally flawed line of polemic, I believe, because the encounter took place on private property, the owners and management of which have a right to know who goes on their property and what they are doing there.

Any prosecutor who expects to abrogate the rights of private property, including estate and shopping mall owners and management, in this way is headed toward doom, I am inclined to believe.

End of Part 3 of 3 Here.


Trayvon Case: Backing Down (2 of 3) -

I have no interest in demonizing a juvenile minor; my point here is that there may have been overly lax supervision of a minor, which was evinced in the youngster's strange reaction to his encounter with a resident of the estate, George Zimmerman.

Instead of simply explaining to Zimmerman that his father left him there to babysit a younger child named Chad, Trayvon reacted by violently assaulting the resident Zimmerman.

On the face of it, Trayvon Martin's reaction doesn't make any sense, and we have struggled to figure out what Trayvon's state of mind could have been to motivate such a weird reaction. Over time I have come up with several tentative theories, but none of them satisfy me. Properly done, this is known as a psychological autopsy.

Wasn't Trayvon Martin just minding his own business at the time of the fatal encounter? Trayvon Martin was on someone else's private property. Speaking from practical experience, I would say: when you are on someone else's private property, your business very much becomes their business.

Do we have a right to wonder about someone's state of mind? Sure we do. If you ask someone whether they are lost, you don't expect them to punch you in the nose.

Attorney Jeralyn Merritt explains the legal aspect
of this issue in extensive detail in her blog post today.

Continued . . .


Trayvon Case: Backing Down (1 of 3) -

The Birth Mother of slain juvenile Trayvon Martin has called for the repeal of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law. Sybrina Fulton, accompanied by a group of state legislators, appeared at a press conference in Tallahassee earlier today.

The defense team for George Zimmerman has received Martin's school records, but won't release them to the public.

Despite that, it has come to light that the youth attended numerous schools, which is not even possible in other parts of the country under normal circumstances, where communities routinely send out detectives to verify the residence of parents in their district and may sue them for fraud or theft of services in order to recover expenses of student tuition.

To date, we do not know where Trayvon Martin was actually residing, who his legal guardian was, or what relationship - if any - Sybrina Fulton had with him. A different woman named Alicia Martin appeared on the Dr Phil TV Show as his stepmother and claimed to have raised him on an everyday basis for much of the teen's life.

The father appears to be an itinerant truck driver, who may or may not have been Trayvon's legal guardian. The peripatetic Tracy Martin dumped Trayvon on an alien private estate in a universe far from home without instructions, rendering his son a possible Youth in Need of Adult Supervision.

Sometimes it seems like the more
we read about this case, the less we know.

Continued . . .


Sunday, January 13

Browsing Around -

Murder off Miami by Dennis Wheatley was originally published in 1936 and then reprinted in the 1970s. Today, it has become a collector’s item. Christopher Fowler wrote about it recently on his blog.

# Anyone miss Max and Freddy, the bicker team of Cologne detectives, from the German Tatort TV series shown here on the MHz Network? Alexandra Alter reviews Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus, newly translated from German.

# Adam Woog's Mystery column this month includes the return of the precocious detective Flavia de Luce.

# British author Warren Ellis debuts his novel Gun Machine which Douglas Wolk reviews at LAT.

# Hatchet Job of the Year: "searching for the angriest, funniest, most trenchant book review of the past twelve months." Shortlist of nominees for the past year revealed.
